The Scaling Up Cohort Program is seeking a CEO/Owner and at least one member of their management team to participate in a unique opportunity with 8 to 10 other companies seeking to grow profitably and sustainably.
Ideal candidates are looking to gain alignment and accountability across their leadership team through strategic planning and execution management using the Scaling Up methodology. Ideal core customer are organizations that have at least $2M to $5M in revenue and are looking to grow to $10M.
The topics covered in this program include:
One Page Business Plan™/90 Day to 1 Year Plan
Core Values/ Laying the Foundation for strong Employee Engagement
Strategic Thinking Principles & Execution Management for Successful Plan Implementation
Union Packaging attained $12 Million in revenue with 90 employees and industry-leading profitability using Scaling Up and other business best practices. As a result, we had significant positive impact on our community winning dozens of awards and were able to sell the business for a highly competitive multiple after 20 years!
Michael K. Pearson Former President & CEO, Union Packaging
Scaling Up Philly is a six-month, cohort-based program offered by CEO Think Tank® that provides participants with the Business Foundations and Operating System to be successful, profitable, and sustainable. Our curriculum is based on Scaling Up™ 2.0: The Rules of Smart Scaling by Verne Harnish, a proven operating system used by thousands of companies around the world to grow and scale. The program will include individual coaching and facilitated group sessions (in person or Zoom, depending on COVID-19 regulations), for 8 to 10 participating companies per cohort.
The Scaling Up Cohort Program is an integrative process that involves both interactive, in-person business education as a member of a Peer Community and individual, one-on-one Leadership Coaching and Development.
Program Format & Participant Commitment
Two-day Kick-Off meeting in October to develop your Strategic Plan for 2023 and lay the groundwork for successful Execution in the 4th Quarter and beyond.
½ Day Education and Implementation Monthly Meetings for CEO and Leadership Team
Two 30-minute Coaching Calls per month with CEO to work on Individual Company Plans.
Participants should allocate an additional 3 hours per week minimum to complete the homework and hold Weekly Level 10’s (Implementation Meetings) on their own.
Access to CEO Think Tank® Thought Leaders, Webinars and Business Best Practices Tools.
Entrepreneurial Mentors will be provided to each participating company.
Applicants are required to have the following Pre-Requisites:
A two-person management team.
A minimum of $2 Million in Top Line Revenue
An ability to demonstrate Top Line Growth
2. Interview
Speak with someone from the Scaling Up Co-Hort Program team about your business. We can do this by email, phone or video call so that we can get to know each other.
Prior to the first session, you and your team will go through a set of diagnostic and assessment tools that will uncover your ambitions, opportunities, and capacity for growth in more detail.
Please apply for consideration using the following form: