Think Tank Blog

Practical business tips and enlightening case stories from small and mid-market companies and enlightened leaders in our community.

February 18, 2012

How are you “Turning up the Heat” this year?

We’re two weeks into the Second Quarter of 2012…What are you doing to “turn up the heat”? Are you working on GREAT Execution – incorporating the rhythm of daily huddles and weekly tacticals to stay...

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January 24, 2012

What’s your Focus? Pick your Poison…

Most of my clients…and many of my business colleagues, believe that my “secret” profession is bookseller. I’m always recommending a book (or usually a chapter or two of a book)...

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January 10, 2012

What did you learn in 2011…?

A question that I’m fond of asking my clients as well as people I meet as the year ends is, “What was your biggest learning in the last 12 months…and...

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November 29, 2011

2012 is Right Around the Corner…

What can you learn from other CEO’s mistakes? One of the biggest “lessons learned” in the stories that I’ve been sharing with you the past few months is making darn...

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