How are you doing as an Enlightened Leader? As we Kickoff the year, here’s a short quiz to give yourself a “check up”!
If you answer yes to all five questions – congratulations and good job! Sounds like you’re hitting on all cylinders and staying on track and on point 🙂
If you find yourself falling short in one or two areas, no worries. I’ve included some accompanying resources for you to check out to get you back on course.
Wishing you and yours much joy, prosperity and many blessings in the year ahead!
#1 Do you have a clear sense of purpose?

Susan Packard
“Hope is an integral quality of emotionally fit leaders because it is the most contagious emotion we have. The more hopeful you are about the purpose and promise of your organization, the more hopeful your people will be.” Get your purpose right and it becomes the epicenter of your life – and the lives of those around you. “Fully Human: 3 Steps to Grow Your Emotional Fitness in Work, Leadership and Life” by Susan Packard. And for those of you who want to dig deeper, check out “How to Find Your Mission in Life” by Richard Bolles, the best-selling author of “What Color is Your Parachute?”. A favorite quote of mine from his book, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
#2 Do you regularly take time for renewal and reflection?

Lama Rod Owens
” My only goal is to present you with practices that will allow you to experience a little more liberation from anger, anxiety, fear…whatever is holding you back.” “Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation Through Anger” by Lama Rod Owens.
“In what areas of your life do you need to ‘hit the reset button’?” Consider your relationship with yourself, your family, your friends and your Creator. Giovanni Livera, Live a Thousand Years.
#3 Are you paying attention to your culture?

L. David Marquet
“Act your way to new thinking.” The main job of a leader is to stay on message and just keep repeating. You have a culture – and you’re the chief ‘culture-creator’. David Marquet, “Turn the Ship Around”. And check out his Ted Talk on Servant Leadership.
One of my favorite quotes from David – “Don’t preach and hope for ownership. Implement mechanisms and practices that actually give ownership.”
#4 Do you actively engage your people?

Laurie Bassi
“People work harder and more effectively when their work affords them the opportunity to learn AND help others.” Check out www.glassdoor.com to see how you stack up! Laurie Bassi, “Good Company: Business Success in the Worthiness Era”.
Then, create a workplace where your team can actively engage in their strengths to succeed. If you haven’t identified your own talents, use the Gallup Strengths-Finder found here and use the book “Strengths-based Leadership” to be a better Coach for your own employees.
#5 Do you have a plan to train and develop your most important asset?

Jack Stack
“Know and teach the rules. Follow the action and keep score. Provide a stake in the outcome.” Enough said. For more on creating a stake in the outcome, check out a business classic, ‘The Great Game of Business’ by Jack Stack. Truly a business icon!
And read more here about the journey Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health took to apply the Great Game to their company!
Tags: Business advice for the mid-market, Enlightened Leaders, Leadership Development for Small Business, Small business advice, Strategic planning for small business