Grateful for the opportunity to have serial entrepreneur Darius Mirshahzadeh join our community LIVE and in person to share his recipe for creating a friction free company assisting our enlightened leader community to grow and thrive.
So many takeaways! Here’s our Top 10 courtesy of Eileen Wainwright, one of my wing women and “partner in crime” 😊
1) The 3 Barriers to Growth: Lack of Strategy, Lack of Accountability, and Lack of Performance.
2) Execution is your Greatest Differentiation. Two thirds of well-formulated strategies fail due to poor Execution.
3) Overcommitting undermines Accountability.
4) You’ve got to get Very Good at figuring out When you’re going to get things done AND be proactive about factoring in the whirlwind of Business as Usual (BAU) and the unexpected obstacle.
5) Continually rolling goals forward is a disservice to everyone.
6) Moving the Needle on your business means you’re executing strategic projects above and beyond Business as Usual.
7) As a leader, you are not helping your business or your employees by keeping people who are not growing and thriving.
8) You get the organization you allow for as the CEO.
9) If we can’t run the Basic Plays – how are we going to win a Championship?
10) Scale is a Friction Removal process. There is Complexity in Simplicity.
And if you’d like to consider membership in our community of enlightened leaders and having access to the tools and resources to save you time and energy, reach out today!
Tags: Business advice for the mid-market, Executive Education for Small Business, Leadership Development for Small Business, Small business advice, Strategic planning for small business